Our partners

Lawton tube

Lawton Tubes celebrated the 100th anniversary in 2018. It started as a small engineering company in the heart of the city of Kovantry, UK, specializing in copper -used manufacturing in cooling, adaptation, plumbing and medical gases and since then we have put ourselves as a global brand.


Duro Tape Products is a leading company in distributing specialized tape products. With over 25 years of experience in applying and converting tapes, we offer an innovative approach to solving challenges and meeting our customers’ needs. Our conversion and distribution center is located in Chicago, Illinois, allowing us to efficiently serve customers within the United States and beyond its borders.

MT Valves & Fittings

It is a Spanish multinational company that has since 1994 manufactures and markets valves and equipment for channels and connecting liquids divided into three lines: Hvac Industry, DIY


It is a pioneering company in the field of electrical accessories, starting from the wall socket, the top plug, the galvanized iron boxes (Star), the extension socket, the lamp holder, the multiple transformer, the temporary, the wire box, the LED lamps, the LED power savings, etc.